Upload New Maps

Accepted: .h3m (HoMM 3 format), combined.json (HeroWO format V1), .zip (archive of these, folders made flat).

Upload at most 20 files, totalling at most 200MB.

Files to upload (add):

If this directory already has a map with the same title or ID (HeroWO format only):

.h3m Convertion Options

.h3m files are converted using h3m2herowo.php V2 and databank sod (2023-05-16). Known databanks (for combined.json) are: sod (2023-05-16), sod- (2023-05-12), sod--- (2023-05-03), sod--- (2023-04-28), sod--- (2023-04-22), sod--- (2023-03-20) .

Supported game versions: RoE, AB, SoD, HotA1, HotA2, HotA3.

-s Charset for texts (iconv identifier or EN, RU)
-ei Skip failed map, do next
-ew Fail map on warning
-i Dump map structure
-is Dump map statistics

Existing Maps

Fetching maps from the server…

FV Map ID M Dbank Size Game Diff Title Updated Played
Lost connection with the server while fetching the listing